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🏠🏠🏠 The Townhouse is 6,000thb per night 🏠🏠🏠 and a two story townhouse has 2 rooms with air conditioning, 3 bedroom and 3 bathrooms , including a living room and a personal private swimming pool. If you are interested in booking a townhouse please contact us
🏠🏠🏠A private villa is 20,000 tbh per night 🏠🏠🏠with 4 floors, 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. This also includes a living room and personal private pool, if you are interested please contact us

Book your round:
084 873 5363 | 092 225 8449
Lakes 8

Hole 8 (L8)
375 Yard Par 4
The 8th is another hole that meets the concept of “risk and reward”, a concept made visible by the course architect. The confident drivers will plan to carry 260 yards over the water and creek, which may not be made straight forward by the winds. This relatively large green slopes towards the hazard and players will not want to leave themselves with a long putt.
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